LogixOne RapidApps

Enables you to further leverage your investment in LogixOne.

RapidApps are uniquely tailored mobile device applications built on either iOS or android operating system is that connect your employees and remote workers digitally to your LogixOne environment with ease.

RapidApps can be built in a very short timeframe to include workflow functionality and data that your various business units require. RapidApps are designed to include only pertinent information that each job function requires to complete their specific roles and tasks and as such a far simpler to use and therefore easier to deploy across the entire workforce.

LogixOne RapidApps can be as simple or complicated as you require and can include functionality such as geolocation tracking and mapping, schedule updating, job allocation and tracking, documentation control, voice integration and much, much more. Infact, what you do with RapidApps is only limited by your imagination and desire to achieve business success.

RapidAps Are not limited to just your employees. With our help we can create iOS and android applications for any of your contacts be they in employees, retail customers, wholesale customer or even vendors.